NCIT Summer School 2011
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High Performance Computing & Embedded Systems Programming
June - July-2011
Location: Room EF108, First Floor, EF Wing. Proposed Agenda: Wiki: Keynote Speech: Prof. Dan Negrut - University of Wisconsin; Tuesday 14.06.2011 - 11AM Enabling High Performance Computational Dynamics in a Heterogenous Hardware Excosystem Abstract: This presentation outlines a software infrastructure (tools and libraries) that supports physics-based simulation on
heterogeneous and distributed computing environments. The heterogeneous hardware infrastructure is assumed to be a
combination of Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The computational dynamics applications
targeted include large rigid/flexible body dynamics and fluid-solid interaction problems. The underlying theme of the software
solution is that of partitioning the problem of interest into a number of sub-problems, each managed by a separate core/accelerator
(CPU/GPU) pair. The five components at the core of this Heterogeneous Computing Template (HCT) are: (a) a method for geometric
domain decomposition; (b) methods for proximity computation; (c) support for moving data within the heterogeneous hardware
ecosystem to mirror the migration of simulation elements from sub-problem to sub-problem; (d) parallel numerical methods; and
(e) tools for carrying out visualization and post-processing in a distributed manner. The talk will briefly discuss how these five
components have been implemented to leverage a 32-GPU (Fermi) and 64-CPU core cluster running CUDA and MPI.
The selection is done based on submitted CVs & letter of intent. Please send your CV & letter of intent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , and indicate the subject you would like to study in this summer's intenship. The internships are also be available on Teme Propuse pentru editia din 2011: Documentarea, proiectarea, monitorizarea si administrare in sisteme LAN, WAN, si HPC: 3. Aplicatii Web pentru elaborarea si distribuirea de continut audio-video:-Google Web Toolkit & VideoLAN Aplicatii HPC si de Scientific Computing: 1. Modelare si simulare in domeniul aerospatial 7. Modelare si simulare in domeniul seismologiei Embedded Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks & Robots: 1. Swarm robotics - platforme robotice miniatura cu capabilitati de comunicatie wireless
Android Computing: 1. Game programming: 3D graphics on mobile devices This Summer School was partially supported by the HP-SEE -High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities EU FP7 Project: |
Organizers & Hosts: PhD. Valentin Cristea - Professor PhD. Emil Slusanschi - Associate Professor PhD. Mugurel Andreica - Lecturer PhD. Ciprian Dobre - Lecturer PhD. Florin Pop - Lecturer MSc. Alexandru Herisanu - Assistant Professor PhD. Dan Tudose - Assistant Professor MSc. Alexandru Olteanu - Assistant Professor MSc. Andrei Voinescu - Assistant Professor MSc. Catalin Leordeanu - Assistant Professor PhD. Eliana Tirsa - Assistant Professor Eng. Razvan Dobre Eng. Dan Dragomir